Phase I environmental phase assessment
Ramtox has conducted hundreds of environment site assessments. At Ramtox our qualified and certified team of professionals can assist. How to determine if your project requires a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment:
Conducting a Phase I ESA would be useful/ required if you plan to:
- Conduct commercial property transactions
- Conduct real estate transactions involving the request of a bank loan
- Conduct transactions of property involving industrial or commercial operations that use and dispose of hazardous material
- Carrying out the transactions of properties located in near proximity to industrial or commercial operations
- Conducting transactions of sites used for gas and oil extractions
- Conducting transactions involving sites with known environmental liens
Phase I ESA determines potential contaminations of real estate properties. Phase I ESA reviews existing property information. This information includes reviewing past and current land uses from property photos, maps, and public records, reviewing government databases examining environmental records regarding the management and disposal of hazardous material and other substances, conducting a visual in person site inspection to assess current conditions of property and finally interviewing owners, workers, and neighbors to further assess and know about site operations that involve the use and disposal of hazardous material.
Phase I ESA also help determine the potential responsible party for environmental contamination found on site. A Phase I ESA is also required prior to the obtaining a loan or purchasing of a property to obtain liability protection under CERCLA.
A Phase I ESA must be carried out or be over seen by an environmental trained professional.
Results of Assessment
If no evidence is found of potential contaminants on site, the assessment is completed and the property can be reused or undergo redevelopment.
If assessment determines the presence of potential contamination further investigation is required. This would require a Phase II ESA, Preliminary Environmental Assessmentto evaluate its threat to the environment and human health, or other assessments.
Potential source of contaminants can be the result of activities conducted on site or can come from activities conducted at nearby sites.
Phase I taken from EPA Assessing Brownfield Fact Sheet

Ramtox conducts soil testing to confirm the presence of contamination and will handle the cleanup process. Our on-site geologist assists us with the removal of contaminants and remediation.
A Phase II ESA is required if potential contaminants were identified in the Phase I ESA. The environmental professional in charge of the assessment will develop a sampling plan to evaluate the potential presence of contamination from hazardous material on site and determine the source of exposure.
A Phase II ESA requires the identification of chemicals/ hazardous material of concern likely to be present in soil, ground water, or vacant structures. Requires sampling and testing soil, ground water and other media that may be potentially contaminated. This requires the environmental consultant to develop a sampling plan, collect and analyze the sample to determine the type of contaminant and its distribution. Requires the further investigation of areas of concern, by reviewing results and finding areas of concentrated contamination and its extent. If needed, develop a cleanup plan to minimize exposure and eliminate contaminant. They must implement the layout of the property, open areas, slope of property and contaminants.
If little to no significant amounts of contaminants are found on site that can impede the reuse of the property, the next step would be to consult with state or tribal response program staff before moving on with the reuse or redevelopment of the land.
If significant contamination is found that exceeds risk thresholds for the purpose of reuse, consultation with a state of tribal response program staff is required to develop a remediation/ cleanup plan. The plan uses information gathered from Phase I and II assessments to create an analysis of brownfield cleanup alternatives that take into considerations RECs. The cleanup plan must reduce risks and remain protective over time.